Designed for Law Graduates, Policy Researchers, Young Teachers,
Practitioners, Professionals and Future Leaders
Building perspectives and capacities of law graduates, young teachers, policy researchers, practitioners, professionals, policy workers and future leaders on natural resources law, sustainable development, environmental policy and resource governance, and linking world’s sustainability by integrating principles of globally important solutions and governance perspectives.
This 10-days international training program will be executed in general partnership of various academic and practice-oriented organizations. The course will take place in Turin (Italy) by streamlining a fine and competent expertise of European, North American, Asian and African professors, legal professionals, rights advocates, judges, practitioners and professionals.
GA-NRL 2026 will be delivered in English employing participatory training methodologies with the integration of regional ecological perspectives. Our faculty members are internationally renowned professors, scientists, legal professionals, judges and rights advocates who will impart their grounded experiences on respective topics.
Join the discussions on protecting, utilizing and governing the natural resources, with practical approaches, knowledge and skills necessary for meeting challenges of judicious use of natural resources globally.
GA-NRL 2026 will be a uniquely diverse global program being co-organized by renowned, reputed and premier law schools, universities, institutions, law firms, international organizations, public foundations, and government bodies belonging to various countries of the world. It is also uniquely designed to cover multiple dimensions of natural resource law and governance.
College of Law, Australian National University (Australia)
International University College of Turin, & Alfred and Hanna Fromm Professor of International and Comparative Law University of California, Hastings College of the Law & Full Professor of Civil Law University of Turin (Italy)
Research Center for Climate Law, Faculty of Law, University of Graz (Austria)
Department for Energy and Resources Law, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo (Norway)
Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, Pavillon Maximilien-Caron, & Senior Director, Nomomente Institute, (Canada)
Jean Monnet Chair “European Union law of the sea” (SEALAW Chair), & Director, “Salvador de Madariaga” University Institute for European Studies, Law Faculty, University of A Coruña, Campus de Elviña (SPAIN)
Environmental Law Center, Vermont Law School (USA)
Texas A & M School of Law, Texan A & M University (USA)
Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)
Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea, Faculty of Law, The Arctic University of Norway (Norway)
Área de Derecho internacional público, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
Lanzhou University Centre for Italy Studies, & Institute of Economic Law, Lanzhou University Law School (China)
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil), & Fellow, Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG), University of Cambridge (UK)
International Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
International University College of Turin (ITALY), & Director Eating City (France)
Department of Energy, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco (Mexico)
Department of Criminal Law and Criminology and Public International Law and International Relations, Faculty of Law, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Department of Environmental Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine)
Faculty of Law, University of Brasília (Brazil)
The Grassroots Institute,
Faculty of Law, University of Benin (Nigeria)
Benson Idahosa University & University of Delta (Nigeria)
Department of Public International Law & International Relations, Faculty of Law, University of Granada (Spain)
Centre for Public Law and Human Rights Forum (CPLR), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong (China)
Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Uzhhorod National University (Ukraine)
& Director, Joint Nordic Master Programme in Environmental Law (NOMPEL), Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, University of East Finland (Finland)
Department of Environmental and Space Law, Volodymyr Koretskyj Institute of State and Law, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
SES Chair in Satellite Communication and Media Law, Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Department of Agroecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Agroecology and Plant Protection, Agricultural University (Bulgaria)
Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, (France), Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) (UK)
Department of Water Governance, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
(The Netherlands)
Northumbria Law School
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST
(United Kingdom)
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Designed for Law Graduates, Policy Researchers, Young Teachers, Practitioners, Professionals and Future Leaders
© 2024-28 The Grassroots Institute. All Rights Reserved.
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