National Ecological Center of Ukraine
The National Ecological Center of Ukraine (NECU) is a non-governmental non-profit organization. NECU has been created in 1991, a difficult time of attaining the independence by Ukraine. NECU is an organization of the national level and has branches in many regions of Ukraine.
According to its Statute, NECU has collective membership constituting more than 300 members and is governed by Council and by Head of NECU elected at the general conference.
NECU has main office in Kyiv and 22 branches in regions of Ukraine. The permanent staff of the main NECU office consists of executive director, accountant, and head of the climate change group, project manager, 4 thematic experts, administrative manager, and 2 public relations experts. In case of need, the additional experts are hired on ad-hoc basis, e.g. designer, consultants. NECU staff members have education and experience corresponding to their job description.
NECU is working on strengthening public education, awareness and involvement in decision making in the following areas: biodiversity, specially protected areas management and studies, renewable energy, global climate change, transport, cooperation with international financial institutions. NECU is engaged in strengthening general public role in protection of natural habitats and biodiversity, optimization of environmental monitoring, prevention of the negative impact of energy sector global climate change and mitigation of its consequences, issues, reduction of pollution air, water and soil, solid waste management. Over the past few years, NECU has been involved in the implementation of more than 15 environmental, civil rights and freedoms projects, promotion of sustainable development, energy conservation and energy efficiency, adaptation to climate change, facilitation of the implementation of the ecosystem approach to hydropower development, environmental impact assessment of river water transport, etc.
NECU is actively cooperating with other non-profit groups and individuals. NECU is a member of the following associations and networks: WG3 «Environment, Climate Change and Energy Security» Ukrainian national platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, WG5 5 «Energy, Transport, Environment and Climate Change» EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform, the Ukrainian NGOs Working Group on Global Climate Change, Ukrainian River Network, Climate Action Network – Europe and CEE Bankwatch Network.
NECU is always open to productive cooperation with governmental institutions, however NECU maintains political and economic independence, so it does not accept money from political parties, banks or businesses for promoting their interests. Currently, NECU receives financial support from the European Commission and private funds either directly or indirectly via cooperation with other NGOs.