Carpathian Foundation - Hungary
A Member of the International Carpathian Foundation Network, the Carpathian Foundation was established in 1994 in Slovakia for the initiative of the East-West Institute and with the support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The founders’ aim was to prevent ethnic conflicts, strengthen civil society, to build democracy and preserve natural and cultural heritage in the culturally, ethnically diverse Carpathian Euroregion, which comprises the most underdeveloped mountain bordering areas of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine through supporting the citizens’ and civic local development initiatives and enhance cross-border co-operation as an inter- regional community foundation. The Carpathian Foundation-Hungary, as an independent organization, was registered in Hungary in 2002.
The Foundation engages in both grant-making and programmatic activities, provides grants, scholarships and technical/professional assistance to NGOs, local-self-governments and local grassroots communities.
Currently the Foundation runs its programs to fulfill the following main strategic objectives: to support local development initiatives of civil society organizations and marginalized rural communities; to support improvement of disadvantaged rural areas and vulnerable groups (mainly Roma); to raise social awareness and to support disadvantaged youth.
The Foundation implements its own programs and projects in the most underdeveloped rural areas of Northeastern part of Hungary but as a grant-making organization – being expertise in community development, cross-border co-operation, and development of civil society organizations - it also takes part in national and international initiatives.
Recently, the Foundation together with its partners established the Carpathian Civil Society Platform and Interregional Hub as a supporting network of grassroots organizations throughout the Carpathian Region. The Platform is an organization across borders attached to the geographically, historically, culturally, and sociologically contiguous territory of the Carpathians, which is the common ground for cooperation. Its main aim is to coordinate and synergize the single and often isolated efforts of CSOs, amplify the effect of their activity at local, sub-regional, and inter-regional (Carpathian) levels as well as generate and disseminate innovative solutions for resolving environmental and socio-economic problems to serve better their constituencies and articulate the needs of communities.
Contact Person:
Sándor Köles
Carpathian Foundation-Hungary
3300 Eger, Felvégi u. 53
Tel: +36 36 516-750
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