The Municipal Council of Capizzone Town
The Municipality of Capizzone is part of the International Association "Alliance in the Alps". It is a network of municipalities founded in 1997 that brings together over 300 municipalities from seven states of the Alpine territory (Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Switzerland). The members of the Network of Municipalities are committed to an intact nature, a healthy economy and harmonious coexistence in the Alps. They promote active exchange across linguistic and cultural borders. They put people at the center and, with an eye to the future, together try to break new ground. Municipalities represent the interface between legislation and implementation. They therefore form the central level for sustainable development in the Alps and can achieve a lot. At the same time, municipalities have to perform numerous functions. They often lack the time and skills to navigate all areas. In many cases it is not easy to assess the consequences of their action, and trying new paths risks being an experiment with an uncertain outcome. The purpose of the network is to protect and develop nature, the environment and the landscape The main task is to safeguard them and their sustainable development. In particular, protected areas play a central role. The members of the Network of Municipalities are committed to an adaptation to the consequences of climate change that is compatible with the environment and work to counteract the factors that cause it. As well as making municipalities attractive as an economic space through sustainable development, municipal members create the conditions for facing future challenges. They strengthen and develop the offer of services while preserving and developing regional cycles. They strive to create new jobs and keep existing ones. They encourage and motivate the population to make a contribution to the creation of regional value. Through innovative strategies and pilot projects, the member municipalities set new quality standards for services of public interest, such as mobility. In its activities, the Network of Municipalities is guided by the principles of the Alpine Convention, an international treaty between the Alpine States and the EU for the sustainable development of the Alpine space. The implementation of the Convention must come to life where individuals can make their contribution - that is, in the municipality. “Alliance in the Alps” is one of 16 organizations officially recognized as observers. The Network of Municipalities actively engages in the bodies of the Alpine Convention, participates in the exchange between Alpine States and links up with other observing organizations. At the last conference held in Triesenberg Malbun, Liechtenstein, the proposed theme focused on what could be the expectations of young people towards their own municipality as a center of life? What prospects must municipalities offer to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants? An attractive living space is determined by a balanced trio of economic, ecological and social infrastructures. The factors that determine this situation range from living space, to job opportunities, to the accessibility of goods for daily needs, to the offer of leisure opportunities, up to an intact environment. Creating identities with your region to offer perspective to young adults, children and families requires an integrated approach to municipalities. Direct communication "face to face" is just as important as the willingness to change perspective and jointly develop interesting solutions for a wide range of needs. During the course of the International Board, the Mayor of Capizzone, Alessandro Pellegrini, was appointed as a new member representing the 51 Italian municipalities and Vice President of the” Alleanza nelle Alpi” Network.
Contact Person:
Dr. Alessandro Pellegrini Mayor
Municipality of Capizzone
Via Don Schianatarelli 2
24030 Capizzone (BG)
Tel: + 39 035 863045 – secretary int.1
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