Institute of Socio-Economic Regional Studies (ISERS), in cooperation with Kamianets-Podilsky City Council and others, is organizing shelters and relief works to war affected victims in this massive humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.Our information webpage is https://www.pdatu.edu.ua/hromadska-orhanizatsiia-instytut-sotsialno-ekonomichnykh-rehionalnykh-doslidzhen.html and our Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/ISERS2020. We have been organizing the humanitarian relief works directly and do not have any intermediary neither for the work on the ground nor for seeking financial contributions. Thus, in a bid to organize this humanitarian aid to victims, we need resources and donations to arrange the following:

  1. Purchase of food, medicines, hygiene products, drinking water, warm clothes, etc.
  2. Arrangement of temporary accommodation with basic necessities of bed linen, blankets, mattresses, sleeping bags, etc.
  3. Providing educational, psychological and legal support to victims.

We will be grateful for your sincere help to the Ukrainian people in difficult times. Kindly donate generously to ISERS using our direct bank accounts.



Zaporizhzhia city is located near the front line of the war. In our city, we receive internally displaced persons from places of hostilities, and the city of Mariupol, which is under siege and severely destroyed. Also, several settlements in the Zaporizhzhia region have been destroyed and their inhabitants have come to our city. At this difficult time, the University must care not only about its first task to educate and conduct research, but also to carry on its public duty to help war-affected families and save lives of suffering people. The displaced people are, therefore, placed on the territory and in the buildings of Zaporizhzhia National University; they are provided with bare necessities and food by the university. We have created a Center for Help at the university https://t.me/help_with_znu. Our university webpage is: https://www.znu.edu.ua/frontpage/3594.eng.html.

As a result of the treacherous armed aggression of the Russian Federation, the university has suffered great damage to both material and human intellectual scientific resources. Therefore, we are in urgent need of financial assistance. To overcome these consequences, we urge to you for the providing charitable assistance.